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And your beautiful soul
Hello there, I'm a 16-year-old male student and someone who resides in Singapore.I like slacking but I ain't really lazy. I do have a really fake British accent and I use it frequently. I laugh at things sometimes with no apparent reason. I've also figured that I already lost my sanity a long time ago. And so, blah blah blah. It goes on. |
Daniel BedingfieldIf You're Not The One the
Sean Ho 168th April ic3frostrav3n@hotmail.com words
dhaSAMsWesley Winnie Vivian Maverick GP's Minnichi GP's Brother Ho My old blog Beatrice Benjamin Cherrie Edwin Farzanah Gabriel Huixin Jazlyn Jerelyn Jialian Jiazhi Junchin Macs Melissa Michael Niccole Peiyin Sir Sing Terence Terry Waiying Wanqian Yanling Yanting 2A class blog 3B class blog Evangeline Haikal Hueyjie Zhengrui Selena Yuhe Zawanah 6joy said
for me
Design: doughnutcrazyIcon: morphine_kissed Do credit accordingly if you changed the icon. |
i realised my posts getting shorter and shorter -.- anw ytd went plaza for breakfast then came home stocked up bacon haha can bring to school eat liao. if i rmb ok no feel post alr -.- ciaos i hate this Chn U the game music very noisy
right shoulder a lil painand right leg quite pain what's wrong sia :/ sian Blind
i watched helpless, as you turned around to leaveand still i have the pain i have to carry a past so deep that even you could not bury if you tried after all this time, i never thought i would be here never thought i would here where my love for you is blind but i couldnt make you see it couldnt make you see it... that i loved you more, than you'll ever know when part of me died, when i let you go 谁还记得 是谁先说永远的爱我 以前的一句话 是我们以后的伤口 过了太久 没人记得当初那些温柔 我和你手牵手 说要一起走到最后 我们都忘了 这条路走了多久 心中是清楚的 有一天 有一天都会停的 亲爱的 虽然我也害怕 在天黑了以后 我们都不知道会不会有以后 谁还记得 是谁先说永远的爱我 以前的一句话 是我们以后的伤口 过了太久 没人记得当初那些温柔 我和你手牵手 说要一起走到最后 我们都累了 却没办法往回走 两颗心都迷惑 怎么说 怎么说都没有救 亲爱的为什么 虽然我也害怕 两个相爱的人 等着对方先说想分开的理由 谁还记得爱情开始变化的时候 我和你的眼中 看见了不同的天空 走的太远 终于走到分岔路的路口 是不是你和我 要有两个相反的梦 谁还记得 是谁先说永远的爱我 以前的一句话 是我们以后的伤口 过了太久 没人记得当初那些温柔 我和你手牵手 说要一起走到最后 我和你手牵手 说要一起走到最后 Did you fall for a shooting star? One without a permanent scar
not sure if i posted this beforebut whatever When the pain sets in
sickspeechless 1 2 3
going for amaths tmoro10.30 to 12.30 hmm, feeling very full now ate a lil too much but have to found some songs today yay go try sleep le ciaos 自我催眠
just kept telling myself the same thingover and over again Effort
am i putting too little into it?
Nothing to do -.-
Shaun the Sheeplol the crying sheep is Timmy i rmb recently i watched ben10 got one part, got 3 children copy from Naruto's Konohamaru and gang haha Landome
recently very hecticright word to use? hmm rain's heavy breakfast tmoro @ mac then seesee go where today did some work amaths did 5 or more questions accomplishment :D 2 compos to do both intros done completing it tmoro if got mood hair getting long but scared kenna cut like chinaman again ): hotcakes! haven tried non-salty homemade pancakes yet hmm kinda tired ciaos And I'm running to you baby, you are the only one who save me
Lost, helplessScared, trembling Mistakes, heartbreaking James Morrison - You Make It Real For Me There's so much craziness surrounding me There's so much going on it gets hard to breathe All my faith has gone you bring it back to me You make it real for me Well I'm not sure of my priorities I've lost sight of where I'm meant to be And like holy water washing over me You make it real for me And I'm running to you baby You are the only one who saves me That's why I've been missing you lately Cause you make it real for me When my head is strong, but my heart is weak I'm full of arrogance and uncertainty When I can't find the words, you teach my heart to speak You make me real for me And I'm running to you baby You are the only one who saves me That's why I've been missing you lately Cause you make it real for me Everybody's talking in words I don't understand You got to be the only one, who knows just who I am And you're shining in the distance, I hope I can make it through Cause the only place that I want to be is right back home with you... I guess there's so much more I have to learn But if you're here with me, I know which way to turn You always give me somewhere, somewhere I can learn You make it real for me And I'm running to you baby You are the only one who saves me That's why I've been missing you lately Cause you make it real for me You make it real for me Breakfast
尽力了真的尽力了 If
your hestitationtold me everything i needed to know but one... Only thing unchanged is change
im not gonna retakeLOL Never gonna say things the second time
chinese o level resultB3 imma retake rawr dunnoe why don feel happy at all today Quiz requested, quiz done
Quiz.1) Are you single or attached? Answer: I'm plural 2) Do you have a person you like? Answer: Yes. Me. 3) What is the name of the person you're in love with? Answer: Isn't this about the same as the second question -.- 4) If the person you love and your mother both dropped into the sea,who will you save? Answer: Please la, my mother won't go into the sea one lor 5) Have you ever hugged somebody before? Answer: Who hasn't 6) Do you love your parents? Answer: Yea, filial son 7) Will you hug the one you love? Answer: Obvious 8) Are you willing to do anything for your girlfr/boyfr? Answer: Depends on what it is 9) Are you jealous now? Answer: Yea, me lonely ): 10) Who is the last person that messaged you? Answer: Beatrice 11) Who is your clique? Answer: Mostly 4A people 12) Do you want babies in the future? Answer: Arbo 13) Do you prefer macdonald / kfc / long john silver / burger king / coffee shop ? Answer: Macdonald breakfast anytime anywhere, the rest must see mood. 14) Do you snift glue? Answer: No -.- 15) Do you smoke? Answer: Nope. Healthy lungs 16) If your girlfr/boyfr is a two-timer, what would you do? Answer: 算我倒霉 lo. Ask her choose i guess? 17) Which CCA are you in now? Answer: O level coming leh brother 18) If you're rich, what would you do? Answer: Buy lotsa stuff 19) If the one you're in love with, held your hand, what will you do? Answer: Hold? -.- 20) If the one you're in love with, reject you, what will you do? Answer: Go one corner emo. Then someone would probably turn on spotlight make me feel worse D: 21) What is your favourite cartoon character? Answer: Patrick Star 22) Friendship or love? Answer: Friendship and love. 23) Cookie Monster or Elmo? Answer: Cookie Monster ( feel like eating cookies ) 24) Do you use the laptop or desktop? Answer: Desktop. Why'd anyone wanna know anyway? 25) Do you like lollipops? Answer: Yea, but must got the flavour i like 26) Do you have a diary? Answer: Blog counted? But last time chinese got 周记, every week must do, but my chinese also.. cmi. 27) There's an admirer of yours and he/she wont die hard, what will you do? Answer: Don't get the question 28) If you quarrel with your boyfr/girlfr, and he/she wants to break with you, what will you do? Answer: Hmm... cry lor. 29) Are you blur? Answer: Sometimes 30) If you can have your hair dyed, what colour do you want it to be? Answer: Dark brown/highlights 31) Who is the last person you chatted on msn with? Answer: Maverick 32) How many boys/girls have you beaten up before? Answer: Never count 33) If your boyfr/girlfr dont love you anymore, what will you do? Answer: "I don't love you, like i did, yesterday~" -.- If don't love and that kind of won't change one, then break. 勉强是没有幸福的 D: 34) What school are you in? Answer: West Spring Sec 35) Tag 10 pple to do this quiz: Don't wanna tag anyone After all this time, I never thought we'd be here
today ThongWJ birthdaywent up at first recess white shoes and watch from levi's so good during last two periods weather was so fcuking hot managed to take a nap while junaida was talking some english oral tips missed quite alot had phys test after alot dunnoe how do oh well pray guanyinma give good marks ba maybe the best way to handle things is to keep them to myself D:
30 minutes
heard this song in my head somehowreally a miracle since i forgot this song dunnoe how long ago was my fav song! Lifehouse - Blind To sit outside heaven's door
ytdlets just say it didnt turn out well will post more next time i think this song's 9 years old? haha still nice tho Lifehouse - Breathing 伊斯坦堡
you're confusing mevery old song the background music at start very irritating Istanbul 伊斯坦堡 - 周杰伦 A long night's walk
hmmtoday went lot1 then blabla ate planned to walk home decided to go long's hse instead so went teckwhye lrt took to panjang bought bubbletea back to interchange take bus alighted and walked in took arnd 40 to 1hr ba. lol watch them play dota then tried 2 times not that good then went somewhere and got home haven bathe -.- haaha 天青色等烟雨 而我在等你
ytdslept at 9+ woke at 11.10 had some trouble sleeping.. but oh well today woke a lil late so bla had 2.4 during pe 11.25 din expect this since last time tried only 14+ and its been a long time since i ran 2 or 3 months? dunnoe what to post le ciaos Buckcherry - Sorry
those sec 3 pplone of them sang this during the presentation in hall and mrseet's chinese also cmi -.- lol Sorry. Stuck
woke up real tired todaykeep wake and sleep reached senja lrt at 1 then someone so caring to friend wor after that go fajar study walk to plaza halfway stop at bustop go causeway Overheard wish the movie was longer -.- ate @ longjohn 3pc chicken 4.40 nia ty national day hmmm then blabla went home sian.. Some weird quiz in GabrielChan's blog
its actually kinda truebut i find that i quite easy man zhu lei. -.- http://www.goldinuniverse.com/showprofile.asp?id=6/0/2/1/3/4/7/5/&name=Sean%20Ho No doubt at all (:
ytd had english oralslept while waiting tcher say need to strain to hear, but i thought i was talking too loudly -.- then comment is i need speak up more, be more confident extreme right i said extreme left conversation, tcher say idea good sia lol finish alr buy milo went senja lrt then go home take ball for 4a guys went home again then go lot1 cool eh. The Hangover, funny chem too many ppl so din go then.. blabla today mixed feelings but still :D |