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And your beautiful soul
Hello there, I'm a 16-year-old male student and someone who resides in Singapore.I like slacking but I ain't really lazy. I do have a really fake British accent and I use it frequently. I laugh at things sometimes with no apparent reason. I've also figured that I already lost my sanity a long time ago. And so, blah blah blah. It goes on. |
Daniel BedingfieldIf You're Not The One the
Sean Ho 168th April ic3frostrav3n@hotmail.com words
dhaSAMsWesley Winnie Vivian Maverick GP's Minnichi GP's Brother Ho My old blog Beatrice Benjamin Cherrie Edwin Farzanah Gabriel Huixin Jazlyn Jerelyn Jialian Jiazhi Junchin Macs Melissa Michael Niccole Peiyin Sir Sing Terence Terry Waiying Wanqian Yanling Yanting 2A class blog 3B class blog Evangeline Haikal Hueyjie Zhengrui Selena Yuhe Zawanah 6joy said
for me
Design: doughnutcrazyIcon: morphine_kissed Do credit accordingly if you changed the icon. |
Even the wrong words seem to rhyme
english letter writing completecompo do less than one page no time then phys counted 33 in the end 32 expected higher anw today emaths paper quite easy then got careless mistakes arnd 10 marks gone. SS omg lol 45 min to study but keep getting distracted by talks around me so only learnt a few points did essay part 1 first then finished sbq time up :D so still kinda satisfied but can be better after that chinese paper 3 listening compre daydream a lil missed some points :P went greenridge eat then went back to sch go 4A slack play bball then go home bathe went down meet them eat at plaza then go 7-11 realised its 8.57 so chiong to garden plaza see mrs loe alr doing cool down so she talk to us about blabla then planned to go mac slack but full so all went home nth post le done done and done 心
everyone's fretting over examsand i'm still here spinning my chair gotta be more hardworking dang! :/ 你的我的 谁的痛了? You're my Wonderwall
realised that Wonderwall was actually a moviebut 'was not known to the general public' here's the plot : The story of the film revolves around the reclusive, eccentric scientist Oscar Collins (MacGowran), whose next-door neighbours are a pop photographer (Quarrier) and his girlfriend/model (Birkin), named Penny Lane. Discovering a beam of light streaming through a hole in the wall between them, Collins follows the light and spots Penny modelling for a photo shoot. Intrigued, he begins to make more holes, as days go by and they do more photo sessions. Oscar gradually becomes infatuated with the girl, and feels a part of the couple's lives, even forsaking work to observe them. When they quarrel and the couple split, Penny takes an overdose of pills and passes out, but Oscar comes to her rescue. now i know why they sang 'maybe, you're gonna be the one that saves me' have been wondering bout the lyrics since the day i heard the song haha kinda cool, now that i know what it means budden nvr study physics and SS exams coming cant find sec 3 textbook diediedie You probably wouldn't be
who's missing me?keep sneezing lol irritating For every piece of me that wants you, another piece backs away..
wooooral get 26/40 a 6 mark improvement from last year! muahaha! :P today weather is hooot kah laosai nth post alr haha I worry I won't see your face light up again
AHHHHtmoro week wat?! sian recently found out that exam doesnt continue till wed :/ wanna study, but seems like i'm btr studying with frens or at home alone got people at home dunnoe why don feel like studying weird eh must get better results but chinese kns how? ): I'm open, your closed. Where I follow you'll go
hais chinesegonecase paper 1 letter writing do very long coz si han not used to writing satisfied with it but zuo wen did question 3 dododo then stuck dunnoe wat to write then write 4 bout the.. k forget alr but only write 1 page paper 2 first part the words almost all i not sure of praying i randomed answers correctly the compres answers all 3 marks dunnoe nid write short or long worried :/ paper O oral talk n talk then received news heh heh read passage wif yongsheng as the examiner he gave me 7.5 mark lol made 3 or 4 mistakes anw when go to tcher reading was quite ok about 3 or 4 mistakes also counted good for me :P then conversation i say until why they will smoke tcher say i should blablabla.. like teaching me instead of testing lol all her questions only gave 1 to 3 sentences answer last yr EOY get 20/40 so this time don wan borderline pass can le :D after that went 4A slack awhile later i tot they goin down eat in the end go play bball so went back up weijie do hw so hardworking sheng play solitaire on sirsing hp lol so blabla drew on the whiteboard some random stuff then got ppl dunnoe who i am about 5+ or 6 went down see them play bball sun was bright but surprising didnt feel very hot realised hair can block sunlight well bwahaha 7+ went 4A's chem remedial did some questions talk some cock 9+ release (i think) went out school then saw bus all went to take bus then realised macs wasnt on the bus turned out that his mum come fetch so not goin plaza lol went ljs eat talk talk etc this time 10.10 go home last time eat at mac 2 times is at 11.11 go home reached home shortly after forgot wat happened ytd went plaza eat then looked for slippers white = nice but no my size ): so went home then coz bro went out saw one similar de so buy can fit woo k then shld be post enough le ciaosssssss A smile is a curve that sets everything straight
leg, this for umuahaha ![]() hmm I FORGOT WHAT I WANNA POST go read chinese book le ciaos *Boom*, *shakalaka*.
todaydunnoe why very tired keep feel like slping almost dozed off during lessons then no lesson cant slp so sian anw click on ads in the other blog coz if put here load very slow the-kyonads.blogspot.com kenna influenced lol thanks :D To: Mum
Dear mum,i ask of you for your understanding when i was at home you questioned if i studied but when i went out to study you were still unhappy about it i was going to continue my homework while waiting for my friends to finish eating cause my friend asked me not to do it beforehand so that we could do it together i was then ask if 'i were stupid' if studying means being stupid why did you even agree to let me go outside and study you claim i play computer games at home but when i do work outside, you didn't even believe a word i'd say when you got to know of my CT1 marks all you said was that i 'was the top of the school' and that i 'should do better than this' and that the marks 'like that very jialat' even a simple phrase like 'do your best' was too hard for you so much for me trying to change after i realised how rude i was to you even making the effort to tell you 'i love you' on my birthday thanks for your parental support Yours sincerely, Sean PS: you won't be able to read this anyway Looking forward
a happy kyon is a good kyon :Dso call me sean more eh? lol Another time, another place, another everything; it's always back to you
sudden feel to go chaletweird In a way, I need a change from this burnout scene
new com tmoro!!!!just now went lot1 library do geog spidergram nvr finish == then 8.20 go plaza watch mrs loe do the aerobics at garden plaza waited for the 4Aeans ys,ss,wj went to look for her after she finished then wait valerie n wanzhen n go swensens ok from here on secret till after that go mac wif gl, ss, ys 11.11pm go home :D time to slp ciaos amigos You're barely waking, and I'm tangled up in you
poa test tmoroconfident will pass haha forgot bring poa book back bad choice ): now wan study canot can study then feel slpy i hate me lol that's all folks! Eggs and bacon, eggs and bacon, eggs and bacon, ...
will go pack bag laterso this' a short one friday went watch movie meet at lot1 saw wenhong on the way thr winn vian n her fren charmaine alr thr wes n leg went toilet all come le go buy bubbletea took 172 to jp bought tickts for Fast & Furious 4 7.40pm show went timah pool win wes 4-1 :D win winn but dunnoe how many went take 174 back to jp was a nice show recommended to watch :D ate at kfc took 178 home alone sad saturday went xiaoyi hse celebrate mama/kaiqi bdae xiaojiu fetched me thr shortly after winn n vian reached awhile later wes they all reach loy jiao bin is omg lol ate went out find bro gave him wrong directions X: bring him le went up play taidi after some time went down cut cake then go up watched L - change the world again a lil sad show but wadeva went home in dajiu car today woke early like before 9 went mamahse kopitiam eat dhasams all thr cept loy adults suggested we go goatfarm ytd so went thr smelly mum bought goat milk told me i drank before n liked it just took a sip just now n had the goaty taste fckin disgusting waste money :/ went vege farm sit swing :D then to the farm resort played 2 rounds of pool table was so much smaller than normal one win leg 1 , lose leg 1 winn win vian 1 rnd after that go boonlay eat if not wrong char kuay tiao for all sams went back senja ntuc buy stuff forgot bout the milk in dajiu car they came back giv us mum wan drink kopi so all went plaza blablah went home k done PS: new com on 17th April say goodbye to 256mb ram n lousy stuffs and hello to 4gb ram :D so many things to post gonna do it later coz imma go somewhr that may be quite fun ;) Halo
sotot sams werent able to come celebrate but they could! only wes, go bbq -.- after sch go eat at greenridge then went home mum told me to go mama hse :/ reached thr adults playing mahjong no one else reach yet when gonna go out leg they all come le go kopitiam the other sams came down ate then go up sing blabla then they all took long time to decide who keep cake lol went back kopitiam coz bro wanted fried rice mum stayed coz she wanna mahjong :/ when reach teckwhye lrt got one indian lady ask me talk to the person in the phone she got bit by centipede say leg pain got so serious one meh anw ambulance was sent helped a stranger ok i noe i kind don tell me reach home shortly after toh on bed slp liao lazy post alr cya PS: took 55 mins to post haha Love Seat
Happy birthday to me~lol later still nid go grandma hse very tired but cant say don go :S thanks all who wished me ya :D I think I fell in love with the 8th world wonder
today during physsuddenly felt like vomitting dunnoe why both recess nvr go eat actually got health check but dunnoe why don have maybe tmoro ba going going gone awayyyy lol You're the only one that I want
Superteens was quite ok lasurprisingly didnt feel sleepy at all only sometimes when ernest talk 2 hr 1 break seems kinda good ytd was raining but we still went watch movie me jiazhi mathew nigel tenghui zhenxiang went eat ramen they were desperately trying to finish their spicy ramen i smart :D watched knowing after we got rejected going into shinjuku the whole show was nice but the ending, can make u kill evryone arnd u worst and most unrelated ending ever went home after that ): slpt till 10+ woke by mum then 4am woke again coz cant breathe stupid blocked nose just woke from nap feeling a lil better but today in sch din feel good was coughing and mucus was like Huang He never ending flow shall end here 30 random words Wallpaper Mountain Skirt String Icecream Scissors Nails Watch Nurse Perfume Elephant Jail Mirror Suitcase Plant Power Safe Watermelon Michal Jackson Climb Bun Shoes Tree Door Hive Sticks Heaven Gate Wine Hen 10 random words Pineapple Basketball Elephant Milk Sausage Markerpen Grass Chain Monkey Cup When you've only got a 100 years to live
goin out laterbwahaha Two tears
...and then I cried like fcuk.